United Methodist Church of Sun City Center Disaster Response Team

The Disaster Response Team (DRT) responds, when called upon by the Florida Conference, to hurricane and other disaster areas to supply hands-on help along with emotional and spiritual support.  We also get involved in local projects, not only for the church itself but also for those in our community who need hands-on help with minor projects.

Normally, the DRT meets monthly on the second Wednesday at 1:00 PM at the church from September through May in Room 19.  Sub committees and mission groups meet throughout the year on an as-needed basis.

There are many DRT projects ranging from church-yard cleanup to "first-in" hurricane responders.  Regardless of current skill level, everyone can find ways to participate.  For everyone, Disaster Response Training is provided by the Florida conference and additional training is conducted where needed. 

Both men and women are invited to become members of this important mission.  If you would like to become a part of the DRT or receive periodic emails from us, complete and submit the following form.  We're happy to welcome you.
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